
Lip Melanin Neutralizer

Lip Melanin Neutralizer

This procedure is a great option for women and men with blue/ purple/ gray/ brown undertones. The goal is to create an even shade of color across the entire lip, and neutralize the cool tones, leaving the client with a uniform, defined lip and a boost in confidence.

This procedure requires strict pre and post treatment. We will not preform this procedure on anyone who does not take Valtrex or Abreva prior (as specified in pre-care instructions), as a client may not be fully aware of their history with their chicken pox or cold sore history. These medications must be continued after the procedure as well, then again pre and post the touch up procedure. If not, a client can develop blisters on the lips from the needle waking up the dormant strand that lies within the lips, causing loss of color and patchiness when healed.