
Teeth Whitening

What is Teeth Whitening?

The procedure lightens the staining or discoloration of tooth enamel. It is a simple, non-invasive procedure that we ask you to put 1-1.5 hours aside for.

Our teeth whitening uses a professional grade blue LED light, also sometimes looked at as a laser. The process combines the light with a hydrogen peroxide-based whitening gel. Using both, we bleach each tooth and produce a brighter smile by the end of the treatment.

How does it work?

A high concentration of hydrogen peroxide is used in the gel that covers your teeth. When the peroxide comes into contact with the intense light emitted from the lamp, it breaks down. Then it dissolves a thin layer over top of the enamel and releases oxygen into the teeth. The oxygen then helps to flush out and get rid of tooth discoloration that has set in.

Think of it like you’re giving your teeth a chemical bath. As an added bonus, whitening does not affect the physical structures of your teeth at all. This low-risk procedure often leaves clients pain and sensitivity free, while obtaining great whitening results.

Preparing for the procedure:

The first thing to do before your treatment is to book a regular cleaning appointment. Getting your teeth cleaned will help them respond best to the treatment. This is because the cleaning will remove any surface stains or plaque that have built up on your teeth.

After some paperwork is filled out, we can begin the procedure.

The procedure:

We ask that you put aside 1-1.5 hours for your appointment. We lightly wipe your teeth after we insert the lip retractor. Both the patient and the provider then wear protective googles. After the gel is placed on the teeth, the patient sits for 3 consecutive 15 minute sessions with the light hovering over their teeth.

Between each 15 minute session, we check for progress. If needed, they will adjust the light or add more gel to your teeth.


After your treatment is complete, you will get all cleaned up and are free to go. Of course, it is important to know what you can and cannot consume anything aside from water for one hour post treatment. Resuming smoking post-procedure is discouraged. It can rapidly reverse the effects of the treatment and cause greater damage to your teeth.

You will receive a thorough list of what you should avoid eating on your way out. You may also get whitening toothpaste and set of whitening trays. You can use the trays for touch-ups if you should need them. 

We suggest avoiding any high-in-color foods/drinks for 24-48 hours after procedure due to the pores on your teeth being open during that time frame.


Very few people experience tooth or gum sensitivity with our teeth whitening. If it does occur, it could take up to 2 days to subside.

Finally, note that if you are pregnant, nursing, or under 13 years of age, teeth whitening is not a recommended procedure for you. Veneers, implants, and crowns are not good candidates for teeth whitening.